Club Incentive Program

To encourage clubs to be more than just a member of the association the AHJSA have ran a Club Incentive Program in various formats over the years.

The current iteration of the program is the fairest and most simplest to understand. In short the AHJSA injects a total of $6,000 at the end of the season to be shared amongst the associated clubs. Rather than each club receiving a twelfth of the value automatically, clubs are rewarded based on their efforts to support the association throughout the season.

Efforts are measured by a number of means, some of which are listed below.

  • Attending monthly executive meeting (face-to-face or online)
  • Meeting deadlines on key events
    • Child safe compliance
    • Team nominations
    • Coach nominations
    • Exemption applications
    • Player payments
  • Attending AGM
  • Clubs meeting coaching certification requirements

Note that the above list is dynamic in that new deadlines may be added at the discretion of the executive, hence the importance of having a representative at the monthly executive meeting. With that said the Secretary, and occasionally members of the executive, will often remind clubs of their approaching deadlines.

Payments are then made to clubs based on their efforts at the end of the season, typically around the AGM. A lack of effort by a club (ie. not attending the monthly executive meeting or not hitting key deadlines) will result in their share being redistributed to other clubs accordingly.

For further questions relating to the Club Incentive Program be sure to have your club representative bring it to the attention of the executive.